“It’s best to meditate twice a day, in the morning and the evening. If you meditate in the morning, you will energize your body, mind and spirit, clarify your purpose and just become happy. Then you’re happy all day, successful all day. And then at night, meditate again and enter into the world of light. Fill yourself with light and you’ll have a perfect night.”

Frederick Lenz, Rama

Chakra Meditation – Frederick Lenz, Rama

Frederick Lenz, Rama

On the short path of Buddhism, we practice chakra meditation. Chakras are energy centers of the body that connect you to different dimensions. The navel chakra connects you to dimensions of power. Focusing on that chakra empowers you and increases you energy and personal power. The heart center connects you to dimensions of universal love and compassion and by focusing on it you increase your capacity to receive and give love. The third eye connects you to dimensions of seeing, intuition, and dreaming, and by focusing on that you align yourself with the higher purpose of your life. By focusing on these 3 chakras you create a very balanced practice that encompasses power, love, and seeing.

Assignment – My meditation experience – The Enlightenment Workbook

The Enlightenment Workbook

Sit up nice and straight. Stop thought for about five minutes. Use a clock or watch to check the time if you’d like. After this period of meditation, write about your experience. Entitle a new page in your journal, “My Meditation Experience.” If you’ve had any thoughts or feelings during the meditation write everything you thought and felt for those five minutes in detail. As well, if you’ve had any subtle feelings or awarenesses, write about them in detail. Write in detail about your whole meditation experience.

My Second Step in Meditation

Now we’ll practice meditation one more time. With these additional instructions you’ll find it easier to be more quiet and more empty of thoughts. This meditation will be more still and bright.

Begin by sitting up straight. Focus on your navel chakra. Hold your finger lightly touching the area of your navel. Count 20 slow breaths as you focus on the navel center. Inhale, exhale, one, inhale, exhale, two. After reaching 20 deep breaths, bring the focus to your heart chakra. Hold your finger lightly touching the area of your heart. Count 20 slow breaths as you focus on the heart center. After reaching 20 deep breaths, bring the focus to your third eye. Hold your finger lightly touching the area of your third eye. Count 20 slow breaths as you focus on the third eye.

Entitle a new page in your journal, “My Second Step in Meditation.” If you had any thoughts during the meditation write everything you thought in detail. Also if you’ve had any subtle feelings or awarenesses write about them in detail. You will notice that you have fewer thoughts and more subtle and energetic feelings. This is the path to the cessation of thought and expanded subtle awareness. You’ve made a step into the light!